Easter 2020 Theme

SJTW does preaching series where the parish spends a few weeks doing a deep dive into a certain topic and the sermons all follow a theme chosen by a team. The theme for Easter 2020 is “Now What?” I designed this image and logo for the series. This image will be shared online and on the screens in the church and serves as the identity for the theme to help parishioners connect the messages together. I also wrote the below paragraph to introduce the theme to parishioners and visitors.

“Now What?”
We ask ourselves that a lot, especially now with COVID-19. “What am I supposed to do? What’s going to happen to my family? Now what?” It’s the same question Jesus’ followers asked after He rose from the dead. “What do we do? Where should we go? Now what?” It’s a big question that can be a bit scary, but Jesus tells us not to be afraid. Our Savior rose from the dead to new life, and so do we. Easter reminds us not to be afraid of what comes next, because our Risen Lord is always with us. Join us as we look to Jesus to help us face the big question, “Now What?” without fear.

As the pandemic continues, join us online at theworker.org where we’ll share our weekly messages along with other reflections and helpful resources to help you grow in faith this Easter.

Introduction to the Easter 2020 theme, “Now What?”

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