Starting Point

Starting Point

Graphic Design
I was tasked with reimagining St. Joseph the Worker's new parishioner packets. These booklets are given to people when they first join the parish. They include and introduction to staff and a brief look at some of the many services offered by SJTW. I rebranded the packet as "SJTW Starting Point." I created the new packets using InDesign. I'm satisfied with how they turned out and show how a reimagining of old publications can create more effective communications. Starting Point - New Parishioner PacketDownload
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Faith Formation Passport

Faith Formation Passport

Graphic Design
The citywide children's Faith Formation kickoff is coming up in August. Families will have a scavenger hunt to different sites around the City of Dubuque. I was tasked with creating a passport for families to get stamped at each site. I used a combination of Illustrator and InDesign to create the Passport below. This was a fun project. FF PassportDownload
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Block Party

Block Party

Graphic Design
St. Joseph the Worker is having a Block Party event in September. I used Illustrator to create a logo for the event and used InDesign to create a graphic and flyer advertising the event to the audience. Block Party FlyerDownload
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Alpha Program Marketing

Alpha Program Marketing

Graphic Design
In the Fall, St. Joseph the Worker will begin a new program called Alpha. I was tasked with creating print and digital content to advertise the program. This was a learning experience where I worked directly with a client (in this case, the leader of the Alpha team) to create content that both had a sound design and matched the client's vision. Alpha FlyerDownload Alpha Large PosterDownload
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Flocknote FAQ Graphics

Flocknote FAQ Graphics

Graphic Design
St. Joseph the Worker is publicizing Flocknote to parishioners. Flocknote is a tool that helps the parish send out communications over email and text. The parish is continually encouraging parishioners to sign up for this free service. I developed these graphics for social media in the week preceding one of our big pushes for participation.
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Meaningful Mondays

Meaningful Mondays

Graphic Design
St. Joseph the Worker is launching several new Monday offerings. I helped devise the marketing plan to encourage parishioners to attend. This included branding the offerings as "Meaningful Mondays." I also created a flyer and graphics to be shared online. Meaningful Mondays FlyerDownload
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Summer 2021 Newsletter

Summer 2021 Newsletter

Graphic Design
This is the most recent quarterly newsletter for St. Joseph the Worker as of this writing. The design for the newsletter emphasizes readability and alignment with SJTW branding found in other print media and the website. Go to to view more newsletters. SJTW Summer Newsletter 2021Download
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Easter 2021 Theme

Easter 2021 Theme

Graphic Design
SJTW does preaching series where the parish spends a few weeks doing a deep dive into a certain topic and the sermons all follow a theme chosen by a team. The theme for Easter 2021 is “Renewed Life.” I designed this image and logo for the series. This image will be shared online and on the screens in the church and serves as the identity for the theme to help parishioners connect the messages together. I also wrote the below paragraph to introduce the theme to parishioners and visitors. Spring is a time of new beginnings. Plants start growing, songbirds start singing, and the air seems abuzz with new life.Easter marks a new beginning as well. When He rose from the dead, Jesus gave us the promise of new life with…
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Vacation Bible School 2021

Vacation Bible School 2021

Graphic Design
St. Joseph the Worker is creating its own Vacation Bible School for the summer of 2021. I was tasked with creating a brand identity for the event. I used the theme "Geologists for Jesus" as my base. After some consideration, I decided to use the game Minecraft as inspiration and came up with the following:
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Baptism Postcards

Baptism Postcards

Graphic Design
I collaborated with the St. Joseph the Worker communications committee to develop postcards to send to families with a recently baptized child on the anniversary of the child's baptism. We created two versions. One version is for children between the ages of one and three years old. The other is for children between the ages of four and five years old. Baptism Postcard Ages 1-3Download Baptism Postcard Ages 4-5Download
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