Advent Theme Image

SJTW does preaching series where the parish spends a few weeks doing a deep dive into a certain topic and the sermons all follow a theme chosen by a team. The theme for Advent was “Make Room.” I used InDesign to design the image and logo for the series. This image was shared online and on the screens in the church and served as the identity for the theme to help parishioners connect the messages together. I also wrote the below paragraph to introduce the theme to parishioners and visitors.

Shopping, giftwrapping, baking, parties. It’s the busiest time of the year. Sometimes with all the stress that can come with Christmas preparations, it can feel like “no room in the inn” describes our lives. We’re so busy that there’s no room in our day for preparing ourselves for Jesus. We can forget that this is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. Join us this Advent as we remember to take some time out of our busy lives to Make Room in our hearts for the joy of the season and of Jesus’ coming!

Introduction to the Advent 2018 theme, “Make Room”

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