SJTW does preaching series where the parish spends a few weeks doing a deep dive into a certain topic and the sermons all follow a theme chosen by a team. The theme for Lent 2020 is “Voices: Finding Clarity in the Noise” I designed this image and logo for the series. This image will be shared online and on the screens in the church and serves as the identity for the theme to help parishioners connect the messages together. I also wrote the below paragraph to introduce the theme to parishioners and visitors.
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Introduction to the Lent 2020 theme, “Voices”
Every day it seems like we’re exposed to thousands of different voices trying to tell us how we should think and act. But which voices do we listen to? Among all this noise, God is calling out to us with His voice to help each of us live a more meaningful life. Are we listening? Join us this Lent as we learn to listen for God’s voice in our lives!