SJTW does preaching series where the parish spends a few weeks doing a deep dive into a certain topic and the sermons all follow a theme chosen by a team. The theme for Advent 2019 is “Shattering Expectation” I designed this image and logo for the series. This image was shared online and on the screens in the church and served as the identity for the theme to help parishioners connect the messages together. I also wrote the below paragraph to introduce the theme to parishioners and visitors.
When Jesus was born, He certainly wasn’t what people were expecting. They didn’t expect the King to be born in a barn or to show such love and forgiveness. Even John the Baptist was surprised, asking Jesus if He was really the Messiah John was expecting. Expectations are placed on all of us as well. In our society, we’re expected to do what we can to make more money, gain more power and look out for ourselves. Join us this Advent as we learn to follow Jesus’ example and go beyond what the world expects of us. Join us as we work to Shatter Expectations.
Introduction to the Advent 2019 theme, “Shattering Expectations”